Friday, February 20, 2009

Springfield Day

On President's Day, Carys and I met Uncle Johnny and Robin in Springfield for a day of fun. We had a great time going to the Lincoln Museum, if you haven't gone- you must, but were not able to take pictures there. We did, however, get to take some at this old 1950's diner on Route 66 called Cozy Dogs. I had a great grilled cheese while they had the famous corn dogs which they are credited for creating. The picture of Carys in Robin's lap is her trying to spit out the 'dog' portion. Distingued palette.


Anonymous said...

Grandma told me about your update...we both liked seeing the Springfield Day posting. You had a great time!! You,your brother and Robin do know how to have fun together! Thanks for all your blog work here, I love it!



miss carys said...

Thanks for responding Mom!