Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Now You can comment too!

Yes, now everyone can comment on my blog! I changed the setting to that everyone who wants to say something about the blog can do so. All you need to do (if you haven't before) is to go to down to the bottom of the post and click on 'comments (there is a picture of a pencil next to the word).' You will be taken to a page where there is a big open box. Write what you want to in it and you can sign your name or remain anonymous, then go down further to the option 'anonymous' and tick that box. Then click 'Publish Your Comment.' And you're all done!

Thanks to those of you who do leave comments, there are just some days where I feel like no one is reading it, and it can be time-consuming especially with a little one. So I like to know that it is being used. Thanks!!


Anonymous said...

I love you, blogger!

Unknown said...

Allllll, right! I can blog!