Thursday, June 12, 2008

God bless the library

I LOVE the library!  I still keep all of my old library cards in my wallet.  This past year provides 3!  My favorite building it a toss up between libraries in LaSalle or Sunbury.  Sunbury had a such a setting with great windows, aaaaand it was across from my favorite (and only in that town) coffee shop.

Having a library card in my wallet gives me security.  Security that I know I can go somewhere safe, air conditioned, and Carys-friendly that will provide for me many different kinds of entertainment.  I love it.  It also is a place that personifies growth for me ( I just got a 'An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe' DVD of shorts)- you can really find information on whatever you feel like learning about.

Yep.  I like the library. 

1 comment:

Erin said...

It's one of my favorite places too. I forget how many free things they offer to moms and kids too!!! Thanks so much for stopping by tonight. Hope you have a great weekend with your fam.